Employee well-being has come to the forefront of many work-related topics. With terms like “quiet quitting” entering the cultural zeitgeist, many employers are recognizing a need to shift their focus to remain competitive - not only with consumers but also with potential and current employees.
But what is employee well-being, and how does it play into the corporate structure in today’s world?
Definition Of Employee Well-being
This is a term that incorporates every part of an employee’s life with a company. It’s not just ensuring everyone is healthy and safe but also work-life balance, job satisfaction, and company culture. In short, a company that acknowledges and creates an environment that focuses on these aspects can see a marked increase in employee satisfaction and retention.
Benefits Of Focusing On Employee Well-Being
Life tends to take interesting turns that we rarely see coming. Most people would agree that it’s difficult to perform mentally or physically if they aren't feeling well. If a company has placed employee well-being at the forefront of their company culture, here’s what they can potentially see as a result:
Lower Healthcare Expenses
Less Absenteeism
Greater Employee Engagement
A Better Reputation As An Employer
Feelings Of Empowerment As An Employee
Fewer Instances Of Burnout
Creating A Plan For Employee Well-Being
In order to see these benefits, a plan to focus more on employee well-being must be put in place. Typically, these plans are broken down into seven points that help create the culture that business leaders want.
Point 1 - Physical Well-Being
Companies need to ask how healthy their employees are. If they are at a computer for most of the day, are they getting the necessary exercise? How much sleep are they getting? What about what they get for lunch during the day?
Depending on the immediate needs of the company, there are simple solutions that can be offered. If short meetings are needed, maybe hold them where standing is appropriate. “Burning the midnight oil” may no longer be a saying that is necessary to get work done, especially if it comes at the expense of much-needed sleep.
Point 2 - Career Well-Being
If there is anything that employees and employers have experienced within the last few years, it’s how secure people may feel within their jobs. The events of these last few years still have some workers thinking that they should, or already are, looking for a new job.
In many of these instances, it’s a continued desire to work remotely when many businesses are requiring a full return to the office. Others might be looking for larger compensation, better development opportunities, and so on.
When addressing this point of an employee wellness plan, this may require a deeper look at budgets, how internal promotions are handled versus how they should be, and coaching and development opportunities readily available to those who want them.
Point 3 - Financial Well-Being
While there is a saying that “money can’t buy happiness,” it can bring a lot of stress. Everyone has bills, rent, mortgages, and other things that require money just to get by. Many workers might feel the need to seek out a new employer if they think their financial needs aren’t being met.
Like what was mentioned in the last point, this point of an employee well-being plan will require a deeper look at budgets and determining how much to properly compensate an employee. It may also include a money management class that employees take due to this payment increase.
Point 4 - Social Well-Being
One of the things that can make coming to work enjoyable is the friendships that are made. Since humans are social creatures, friends can help lift some of the stress that can be felt in the workplace.
Even if a remote work environment is best for your company, ensuring there are get-togethers for employees every once in a while can help.
Point 5 - Community Well-Being
There are very few people that do not want to see their communities improve and become better. One of the ways to improve employee well-being is for companies to improve their community outreach. After all, the company is a part of the community too.
Find ways to give back, not just among those that work for the company, but those the employees may care about, be it family or neighbors.
Point 6 - Emotional Well-Being
Emotional well-being may be something that has been overlooked. However, more and more companies are recognizing its importance. An emotionally balanced and emotionally intelligent employee can have a profound positive impact on their production and retention.
For this point, find ways to help employees regularly find their emotional center through meditation, a short walk outside, etc.
Point 7 - Purpose Driven Well-Being
Employee well-being often hinges on whether or not the values the company they work for claims to hold aligns close enough to their own. That doesn’t mean that companies need to, or even should, weigh in on heavy cultural and political issues in a constant stream of press releases.
However, these values are shown and felt on the employee and consumer levels. A company’s values are best communicated through clear action, not just through words.
Human Resources For Employee Well-Being
If you are looking for a professional in Human Resources that can help provide a concise employee well-being plan for your company, contact Executive Compass, an executive-level HR specialty firm strategically designed to navigate business in today’s complicated and ever-changing working world.
From recruitment and onboarding to employee performance, benefits, organizational development, and employee relations, there’s no step in the business life cycle that Executive Compass is not equipped to handle. Contact Executive Compass by visiting executivecompasshr.com, calling 760-504-6352, or emailing serena@execucompass.com.